Best formats for e-readers
All books sold on Noel Whittaker Ebooks come in 2 formats to suit the most popular reading devices. It's important to know which one is best for your reader.
For most readers including Amazon's Kindle, Apple iPhone, iPads using iBooks, The Nook and Android devices choose: EPUB
For all other uses, such as home computers and laptops: PDF
(Nearly every device that can read ePub can also read PDFs, but if you use the ePub format, you will be able to have more control over how the book looks on your reader - like changing font size and type.)
When you purchase an ebook from our site, a link to download the book will appear on the thank-you page generated after payment. Click on the link to download the book and look in your download folder for the file.
For iPads and iPhones using Ibooks or the Kindle App.
You will receive an email with a link to download the file. Open the email on your device and click the link. You will then be asked to download the file. Tap "Download", then close your browser and look for an app on your phone/Ipad called "Files" - the book will be in there. Simply tap the book and it will open in Ibooks or Kindle (depending on which app you have on your phone)
How to load your ebook onto your kindle device.
Downlod the file to your computer, then visit Send to Kindle to upload it into your Kindle Library.